It makes me sick sometimes to know that while you depend on people, because you assume honesty, righteousness, a certain decency to be upheld, comraderie amongst your fellow man...that it doesn't exist when you need it, when you really depend on it. Its a fools expectation sadly. That is why you should never assume. Trust no one, and then no one will betray you. You know its the same with training, its just you who can endue the pain and its only you who can feel the victory. Rules in general, you see, bring harmony, order, consistency. You cant assume that everybody is going to play by the rules. But, they need to or heck really they should. The rules are the rules, if they are followed, then there is one less problem in this world: confusion . The rules are made so that it is possible for everyone to follow them, so expectations can be met. We like to plan and predict so rules are good when strangers and unknowns are in the mix. There is no one who can't follow the rules, only those that choose not to. Two other things you need to know, is 1, that you only die once and 2, you can't change the truth, so don't try.

No one really deserves your trust, other than youself, or someone who is willing to due for you - think Patraclus and Achillies. People try and think that they can trust others - they can't. At the end of the day, its everyman for himself. Believe it because its true. You can't assume that a mother will not betray her child at a critical and severe time. More importantly, a son should not assume that she won't. The quicker you learn this lesson, the faster you will understand how simple the world is. The world is you and it. Simple as that. Everything else is trying to hold you back, bring you down. Don't pit your life in anyone's hands. The fact that you will die one day means that you'll never win in the end. So its in the middle you need to be successful. No point dying in the middle, as I said you only die once, might as well be at the end. In the mean time, everything is trying to kill you in the middle. Everything. Its also the most rewarding part of your life if you decide to replace dying with having fun, challenging yourself and rewarding yourself with all your achievements and accomplishments. And if things don't go so well, that's OK - at least you're still alive.

If you succeed is being unassuming, looking after your self then well, you're mostly in control and theme the only thing you got to worry about is dying due to an unforseen accident. These include things like falling hammers near a building site, which, if you could not be smart enough to know these places aren't good for anything but builders. That said if your a builder and die in a building site, I'm sorry thats just unlucky. The other types of things that come out of knowhere are natural disasters, stray bullets, fatal disease or something silly like someone killing you in an automotive crash. I hate cars. But I'm being unreasonable - aren't I?

If you do trust soneone, and as im feelong rather cynical, youve probably experianced the pitfalls of assumption and dependency. Namly betrayal. Betrayal is a most terrible and dishonest of qualities. It lies at the heart of all truths, and it changes the truth, right before your eyes. And as I've said, you can't change the truth. That's why its so bad.